West Shore YMCA Swim Team

West Shore YMCA Swim Team

CLICK HERE to learn more about the West Shore YMCA Swim Team.

2024-2025 Season: In order to register for any of the WSY Competitive Swimming programs, you need to have been placed in a practice group by attending one of our August evaluations or be placed in a practice group by assignment from the coaches. For additional questions, contact Mike at [email protected].

Returning swimmers, we have renamed our practice groups! Here’s a quick guide:

  • Age Group A is now GREEN GROUP
  • Age Group B is now ORANGE GROUP
  • Age Group C is now RED GROUP
  • Pre-Senior is now PURPLE GROUP
  • Senior is now BLUE GROUP

HBGY Swim Consolidation Announcement

24/25 WSY Swim Team Family Registration Fee

West Shore
8/1/24 - 5/1/25

The Family Registration Fee for the 2024/2025 season is $200 per family. Registration fee includes two (2) team t-shirts, one (1) team water bottle, team bag and team swim caps.

Note: The registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE.

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At YMCA MemberCommunity Guest
8/1/24 5/1/25 Online / Front Desk $ 200.00-

Available Sessions

08/01/24 - 05/01/25
2024-2025 WSY Swimming Family Registration Fee

2025 Spring Awards Banquet

West Shore
2/1/25 - 3/30/25

WSY Competitive Swimming Annual Banquet
Sunday, April 6, 2025
West Shore Country Club, 100 Brentwater Road, Camp Hill
Doors open at 3:30 p.m., Dinner served at 4:00 p.m.


Garlic Breadsticks, Tossed Garden Salad, Penne Pasta, Creamy Alfredo and Savory Marinara Sauce, Grilled Chicken and Italian Meatballs
Steamed Broccoli, Assorted Cookies and Brownies

  • Mini Ice Cream Bar of Pre-Scooped Vanilla and Chocolate Ice Cream with Sprinkles, Chocolate Syrup, and Crushed Cookies
  • Beverage Station of Iced Tea and Lemonade

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At YMCA MemberCommunity Guest
2/1/25 3/30/25 Online / Front Desk $ 0.00$ 0.00

Available Sessions

Date(s) Spots
Special Rate
02/01/25 - 03/30/25
WSY Parent (1 parent attending)
7 Registered.
More Available
$40 Register  
02/01/25 - 03/30/25
WSY Parent (2 parent attending)
8 Registered.
More Available
$80 Register  
02/01/25 - 03/30/25
WSY Sibling (non swimmer)
3 Registered.
More Available
$25 Register  
02/01/25 - 03/30/25
WSY Swimmer aged 12 and Under (Free)
18 Registered.
More Available
02/01/25 - 03/30/25
WSY Swimmer aged 13 and over (Free)
12 Registered.
More Available

WSY Blue Group: Pay By Draft

West Shore
3/1/25 - 7/31/25

This practice group meets at the YMCA from September to May and in June and July at the Hampden Township pool (50 meters). Swimmers will be assigned to this practice group based on meeting with Director of Competitive Swimming Mike Gobrecht, or assigned based on advancement from the Purple (Pre-Senior) practice group.

Experienced swimmers that are committed to high standards in training in terms of attendance and practice intensity. Time management relative to academics and training is of the utmost importance. Must be able to train at a high level for at least two hours.

All swimmers in this practice group will be members of USA Swimming.

Proper stroke mechanics are necessary, and further emphasis is placed on intense training, mental preparation, and advance race strategy. The goal of this group is the championship meets in March and July.   Swimming in college is an objective of swimmers in this practice group and assistance with the recruiting process is offered to all group members.

Ages: Swimmers must be entering 9th grade
Practice Schedule: CLICK HERE
Location: West Shore YMCA

Available Sessions

03/01/25 - 03/31/25
2024-25 Season
04/01/25 - 07/31/25
2024-25 Season

WSY Green Group: Paid In Full

West Shore
9/9/24 - 3/14/25

Green group, formerly know as Age Group A, is our beginning level of our competitive team. Swimmers will be assigned to this practice group based on the August Evaluation Sessions.

Swimmers will learn the 4 competitive strokes. Proper technique of body position, arm-strokes, kicking and breathing skills will be the focus.

Prerequisites: Swimmers must be able to swim 25 yards freestyle (with rotary breathing) and backstroke and have a general understanding of breastroke and butterfly. Swimmers must also be comfortable in deep water and in a group setting away from parents.

Training Goals:

  • Completing a legal 100 IM in a meet
  • Completing a flip turn
  • Streamlining past the flags underwater with dolphin kicks
  • Flutter kicking
  • Proper turns at the walls and starts from a starting block
  • Swimmers will also learn competitive readiness and practice discipline.

Swim Meet Opportunities: Swimmers will compete in at least one swim meet per month in addition to end-of year championship meets.

Practice Schedule: CLICK HERE
Location: West Shore YMCA

Available Sessions

09/09/24 - 03/14/25
2024-25 Season - Su,Tu,Th - 1 hr, 15 mins

WSY Green Group: Pay By Draft

West Shore
2/1/25 - 3/14/25

Green group, formerly know as Age Group A, is our beginning level of our competitive team. Swimmers will be assigned to this practice group based on the August Evaluation Sessions.

Swimmers will learn the 4 competitive strokes. Proper technique of body position, arm-strokes, kicking and breathing skills will be the focus.

Prerequisites: Swimmers must be able to swim 25 yards freestyle (with rotary breathing) and backstroke and have a general understanding of breastroke and butterfly. Swimmers must also be comfortable in deep water and in a group setting away from parents.

Training Goals:

  • Completing a legal 100 IM in a meet
  • Completing a flip turn
  • Streamlining past the flags underwater with dolphin kicks
  • Flutter kicking
  • Proper turns at the walls and starts from a starting block
  • Swimmers will also learn competitive readiness and practice discipline.

Swim Meet Opportunities: Swimmers will compete in at least one swim meet per month in addition to end-of year championship meets.

Practice Schedule: CLICK HERE
Location: West Shore YMCA

Available Sessions

02/01/25 - 03/14/25
2024-25 Season - Su,Tu,Th - 1 hr, 15 mins

WSY Homeschool Swim Team

West Shore
2/4/25 - 5/29/25

Are you looking for a fun and safe activity to get out of the house? What about keeping the kids active, while helping them learn essential life-saving skills? Our WSY Homeschool Competitive Swimming Program provides a unique opportunity for homeschool children to join our swim program during the “low-traffic” daytime slot in a nurturing, close-knit, positive environment. Convenient for families of multiple swimmers! Fulfills PE requirements.

Though the goals for each individual swimmer will vary, it is our intention to provide exceptional coaching focused on the whole person. Homeschool swimmers are not required to compete in meets but will be coached to the same standard as a swimmer who will (this is not lap swimming or swimming lessons). 

Prerequisites for this program include being comfortable swimming one length of the pool on your stomach and one length of the pool on your back.

Dates: August 13, 2024–May 29, 2025

Schedule: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 12:15-1:30pm

Ages: 8-18 years

Location: West Shore YMCA

This program is for homeschool swimmers that focuses on skill development in the four competitive strokes as well as learning competitive swimming terminology, stroke drills, turns, starts and developing physical fitness and  endurance in a fun, less competitive environment. This group will practice twice a week for 75 minutes. 

For more info, contact: Samantha at [email protected]

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At YMCA MemberCommunity Guest
7/1/24 4/30/25 Online / Front Desk $ 100.00$ 150.00

Available Sessions

02/04/25 - 03/27/25
Feb/Mar 2024-25 Homeschool Swim Team - Tu,Th - 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm
04/01/25 - 05/29/25
Apr/May 2024-25 Homeschool Swim Team - Tu,Th - 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm

WSY Orange Group: Paid In Full

West Shore
9/1/24 - 7/26/25

Swimmers will be assigned to this practice group based on the August Evaluation Sessions or assigned by coaches due to advancement from the Green (AGA) practice group.

All swimmers in this practice group will be members of USA Swimming.

Swimmers should be comfortable with training up to 75-90 minutes per day with good listening skills. Swimmers who are comfortable with all four competitive strokes will learn competitive readiness, practice discipline and developing proper stroke technique and forming correct practice habits.

Prerequisites: Swimmers must be able to demonstrate a legal 100 IM, and swim at least 300 yards non stop with flip turns.

Practices: Swimmers in this level will have the opportunity to practice four (4) days per week.

Training Goals:

  • Swimmers will learn to read a pace clock as well as understand practice performances and how they relate to swim meet performances.
  • Flutter kick 10 x 25 :35
  • Swim 10 x 50 :55
  • Swim 3 x 200 IM legally as well as attain YMCA District qualifying times

Swim Meet Opportunities: Swimmers will compete in approximately one to two swim meets per month in addition to end-of-year championship meets.

Practice Schedule: CLICK HERE
Location: West Shore YMCA

Available Sessions

09/01/24 - 07/26/25
2024-25 Season

WSY Orange Group: Pay By Draft

West Shore
3/1/25 - 7/26/25

Swimmers will be assigned to this practice group based on the August Evaluation Sessions or assigned by coaches due to advancement from the Green (AGA) practice group.

All swimmers in this practice group will be members of USA Swimming.

Swimmers should be comfortable with training up to 75-90 minutes per day with good listening skills. Swimmers who are comfortable with all four competitive strokes will learn competitive readiness, practice discipline and developing proper stroke technique and forming correct practice habits.

Prerequisites: Swimmers must be able to demonstrate a legal 100 IM, and swim at least 300 yards non stop with flip turns.

Practices: Swimmers in this level will have the opportunity to practice four (4) days per week.

Training Goals:

  • Swimmers will learn to read a pace clock as well as understand practice performances and how they relate to swim meet performances.
  • Flutter kick 10 x 25 :35
  • Swim 10 x 50 :55
  • Swim 3 x 200 IM legally as well as attain YMCA District qualifying times

Swim Meet Opportunities: Swimmers will compete in approximately one to two swim meets per month in addition to end-of-year championship meets.

Practice Schedule: CLICK HERE
Location: West Shore YMCA

Available Sessions

03/01/25 - 03/31/25
2024-25 Season
04/01/25 - 07/26/25
2024-25 Season

WSY Private Swim Lessons: Competitive Swimming

West Shore
8/1/24 - 8/1/26

Private Competitive Swimming lessons are available to YMCA members only. All private swim lessons are 45 minutes and taught by a member of our WSY  Competitive Swimming Coaching staff.

For more info, contact: Michael Gobrecht, Director of Competitive Swimming at [email protected]

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At YMCA MemberCommunity Guest
8/1/24 9/1/26 Online / Front Desk $ 50.00$ 75.00

Available Sessions

08/01/24 - 08/01/26
Competitive Swimming Private Swim Lessons - 30 mins

WSY Purple Group: Paid In Full

West Shore
9/1/24 - 8/1/25

Swimmers will be assigned to this practice group based on the August Evaluation Sessions or assigned by coaches due to advancement from the Red (AGC) practice group.

All swimmers in this practice group will be members of USA Swimming.

This is the top level for our Age Group swimmers, that will prepare the athletes for our Senior program. Swimmers must be able to perform freestyle repeats up to 500 yards; 100+ yards of all strokes (Fly/Back/Breast) with strong technique; endurance and technique to handle practices confidently with a strong commitment.

Swimmers will have an opportunity to practice six (6) days/week. A commitment to training and learning is expected. Proper skill development and good training habits are the goals of this group. Swimmers in this group must have (at min.) the YMCA District Qualifying time in the 200 Free and 200 IM, and swim 1000 yards properly. Swimmers will compete in approximately one-two meets per month in addition to expected attendance in YMCA Districts/States/Nationals for those who qualify.

Practice Schedule: CLICK HERE
Location: West Shore YMCA

Available Sessions

09/01/24 - 08/01/25
2024-25 Season

WSY Purple Group: Pay By Draft

West Shore
3/1/25 - 4/30/25

Swimmers will be assigned to this practice group based on the August Evaluation Sessions or assigned by coaches due to advancement from the Red (AGC) practice group.

All swimmers in this practice group will be members of USA Swimming.

This is the top level for our Age Group swimmers, that will prepare the athletes for our Senior program. Swimmers must be able to perform freestyle repeats up to 500 yards; 100+ yards of all strokes (Fly/Back/Breast) with strong technique; endurance and technique to handle practices confidently with a strong commitment.

Swimmers will have an opportunity to practice six (6) days/week. A commitment to training and learning is expected. Proper skill development and good training habits are the goals of this group. Swimmers in this group must have (at min.) the YMCA District Qualifying time in the 200 Free and 200 IM, and swim 1000 yards properly. Swimmers will compete in approximately one-two meets per month in addition to expected attendance in YMCA Districts/States/Nationals for those who qualify.

Practice Schedule: CLICK HERE
Location: West Shore YMCA

Available Sessions

03/01/25 - 03/31/25
2024-25 Season
04/01/25 - 04/30/25
2024-25 Season

WSY Red Group: Paid In Full

West Shore
9/1/24 - 7/31/25

Swimmers will be assigned to this practice group based on the August Evaluation Sessions or assigned by coaches due to advancement from the Orange (AGB) practice group.

All swimmers in this practice group will be members of USA Swimming.

Swimmers who are comfortable with all four competitive strokes will learn competitive readiness, practice discipline and developing proper stroke technique and forming correct practice habits.

Prerequisites: A commitment to improve skills and conditioning is a must. Swimmers should be comfortable with training up to 90 minutes/day  with good listening skills. Flutter kick 10 x 25 :35, Swim 10 x 50 :55, Swim 3 x 200 IM legally.


  • YMCA District Qualifying time in the 200 Free and 200 IM
  • Swim a 500 freestyle properly with 6 underwater kicks off all walls
  • Swimmers should be able to swim 8 x 100 1:40 freestyle, as well as swim faster than 1:15 in 100 yd free in practice.

Swim Meets: One to two swim meets/month in addition to end-of-year championship meet.

Practice Schedule: CLICK HERE
Location: West Shore YMCA

Available Sessions

09/01/24 - 07/31/25
2024-25 Season

WSY Red Group: Pay By Draft

West Shore
3/1/25 - 7/26/25

Swimmers will be assigned to this practice group based on the August Evaluation Sessions or assigned by coaches due to advancement from the Orange (AGB) practice group.

All swimmers in this practice group will be members of USA Swimming.

Swimmers who are comfortable with all four competitive strokes will learn competitive readiness, practice discipline and developing proper stroke technique and forming correct practice habits.

Prerequisites: A commitment to improve skills and conditioning is a must. Swimmers should be comfortable with training up to 90 minutes/day  with good listening skills. Flutter kick 10 x 25 :35, Swim 10 x 50 :55, Swim 3 x 200 IM legally.


  • YMCA District Qualifying time in the 200 Free and 200 IM
  • Swim a 500 freestyle properly with 6 underwater kicks off all walls
  • Swimmers should be able to swim 8 x 100 1:40 freestyle, as well as swim faster than 1:15 in 100 yd free in practice.

Swim Meets: One to two swim meets/month in addition to end-of-year championship meet.

Ages: 9-16 years
Practice Schedule: CLICK HERE
Location: West Shore YMCA

Available Sessions

03/01/25 - 03/31/25
2024-25 Season
04/01/25 - 07/26/25
2024-25 Season

WSY Swim Meet Escrow

West Shore
9/1/24 - 8/31/25

Available Sessions

09/01/24 - 08/31/25

WSY Yellow Group: Paid In Full

West Shore
9/9/24 - 3/14/25

This practice group is a NEW practice group that is designed for swimmers that may be new to competitive swimming and can demonstrate the four competitive swimming strokes and are 10-14 years of age. This group is one of our beginning levels of our competitive team that are not ready for Orange Group or Red Group. Swimmers will be assigned to this practice group based on the August Evaluation Sessions.

 Swimmers will continue to work on the 4 competitive strokes. Proper technique of body position, arm-strokes, kicking and breathing skills will be the focus.

Prerequisites: Swimmers must be able to swim 25 yards freestyle (with rotary breathing) and backstroke and have a general understanding of breaststroke and butterfly. Swimmers must also be comfortable in deep water and in a group setting away from parents.

Training Goals:

  • Completing a legal 100 IM in a meet
  • Completing a flip turn
  • Streamlining past the flags underwater with dolphin kick
  • Flutter kicking
  • Proper turns at the walls and starts from a starting block
  • Swimmers will also learn competitive readiness and practice discipline.

Swim Meet Opportunities: Swimmers will compete in at least one swim meet per month in addition to end-of year championship meets.

Ages: 10-14 years
Practice Schedule: CLICK HERE
Location: West Shore YMCA

Available Sessions

09/09/24 - 03/14/25
2024-25 Season - Su,Tu,Th - 1 hr, 15 mins

WSY Yellow Group: Pay By Draft

West Shore
2/1/25 - 3/14/25

This practice group is a NEW practice group that is designed for swimmers that may be new to competitive swimming and can demonstrate the four competitive swimming strokes and are 10-14 years of age. This group is one of our beginning levels of our competitive team that are not ready for Orange Group or Red Group. Swimmers will be assigned to this practice group based on the August Evaluation Sessions.

 Swimmers will continue to work on the 4 competitive strokes. Proper technique of body position, arm-strokes, kicking and breathing skills will be the focus.

Prerequisites: Swimmers must be able to swim 25 yards freestyle (with rotary breathing) and backstroke and have a general understanding of breaststroke and butterfly. Swimmers must also be comfortable in deep water and in a group setting away from parents.

Training Goals:

  • Completing a legal 100 IM in a meet
  • Completing a flip turn
  • Streamlining past the flags underwater with dolphin kick
  • Flutter kicking
  • Proper turns at the walls and starts from a starting block
  • Swimmers will also learn competitive readiness and practice discipline.

Swim Meet Opportunities: Swimmers will compete in at least one swim meet per month in addition to end-of year championship meets.

Ages: 10-14 years
Practice Schedule: CLICK HERE
Location: West Shore YMCA

Available Sessions

02/01/25 - 03/14/25
2024-25 Season - Su,Tu,Th - 1 hr, 15 mins